
Safeguard your assets from all malware, scams, and hacks

Malware, denial of service, and phishing attacks are becoming more frequent, and most businesses are not prepared for them. While they have antivirus software to keep known malware at bay, it doesn’t cover all the vulnerabilities. To fully protect your systems and data, you need East End Computers’ Cybersecurity solution.

East End Computers protects you from a wide array of threats. Our security experts proactively monitor your systems for security bugs and make sure you have the latest updates, endpoint protections, encryption software, and more. More importantly, we customize our solutions so you’re compliant with industry regulations like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOX.

We assess your level of cyber risk and recommend proven strategies and technologies to ensure the privacy, integrity, and availability of your data.

East End Computers Cybersecurity solutions comprise of:

  • Firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to protect your network perimeter
  • Patch management to defend against the newest attacks
  • Email protection for filtering scams and other dangerous messages from your inbox
  • Antivirus software to detect and remove malware on workstations and mobile devices
  • Identity and access management tools to prevent unauthorized access to important apps and data
  • Encryption software designed to hide sensitive information from hackers
  • Security awareness training and compliance management
  • 24/7 security monitoring and maintenance